The Holidays Are On: Be merry. Be bright. Be safe!

The Holidays Are On: Be merry. Be bright. Be safe!

We all celebrate this special time of year in our own unique way. But no matter how you go about it, JCPenney Portraits by Lifetouch encourages you to make it Your Holiday with professional family photography. It lets you celebrate your loved ones, your traditions, and all of your moments together.

This year the holidays are shaping up to be more meaningful than ever. And while it may look a little different, rest assured, we are taking extra precautions to make sure your family is safe, relaxed and having fun.


Here are a few things to keep in mind:

Make your appointment early. Due to high demand, spots are filling up more quickly than usual this year. You can do that right now if you like.

Safety is Our Top Priority

As we look forward to capturing your special moments, we will be following these safety protocols at all open JCPenney Portraits locations:

1.      Social Distancing: For everyone’s safety, we are limiting the number of people photographed in one session. Please contact your local studio for more information. 

2.      Cleaning: Before your session, we sanitize the camera room, props and viewing stations. We also do this studio-wide every two hours.

3.      Employees: All employees will be wearing a mask and apron and carry essential items (such as hand sanitizer) at all times.

4.      Camera Room: Our "no-contact" posing means parents partner with their photographer—who maintains 6 feet of social distance at all times—to position their young children. All customers are required to wear a face mask when not being photographed.

5.      Post Session: To reduce the traffic in our studios, your order will be mailed to you for a $5 standard shipping fee.

Note: While we’re limiting the number of customers allowed in our store at one time, all scheduled studio appointments get to move to the front of the line. Simply inform the employee at the door that you're here for your photography appointment.


-          All employees will be wearing masks at all times.

-          Photographers will make physical contact with customers or subjects and maintain 6 feet from subjects, customers and employees.

-          For children’s photography sessions, parents pose and adjust their child, with the photographer available for guidance, always 6 feet away.

We can’t wait to see your smiling faces! Schedule your next visit today.